CALENDAR — Mamaroneck Historical Society

March 18: Famous people from Mamaroneck, Larchmont
7:00 PM19:00

March 18: Famous people from Mamaroneck, Larchmont

A look at the Mamaroneck Historical Society’s new Mamaroneck-Larchmont Notables project will be the featured presentation at the March monthly Members Get-Together. The recently posted website project features profiles of more than 50 stars and other notables who grew up here or settled here after making it big.

The Get-Together is at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 18, at the Woman’s Club of Mamaroneck, 504 Cortlandt Avenue.

It is free and open to the community. Questions? Email the Historical Society.

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Nov. 19: Creating a Walking Tour of Mamaroneck Black History
7:00 PM19:00

Nov. 19: Creating a Walking Tour of Mamaroneck Black History

  • Woman’s Club of Mamaroneck (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Two Mamaroneck High School seniors, members of the school’s Original Civic Research and Action (OCRA) program, will share information on the project they have been working on.

It will be the featured presentation at the Mamaroneck Historical Society’s November Members Get-together. See details on the flyer below.

The society will also hold its annual trustee election and general annual meeting.

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Oct. 15: Richebell vs Revell: Contest for Ownership of Mamaroneck
7:00 PM19:00

Oct. 15: Richebell vs Revell: Contest for Ownership of Mamaroneck

The story of the legal contest for ownership of Mamaroneck will be the topic at the Historical Society’s October 2024 Monthly Members Get-together. It will take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 15, at the Woman’s Club of Mamaroneck, 504 Cortlandt Avenue.

If you are a prospective member and would like to attend, just RSVP for a guest pass and he will have one waiting at the door.

Flyer for October 2024 Members Get-together

Flyer for October 2024 Members Get-together

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Sept. 17: Talk on Slavery in Mamaroneck
7:00 PM19:00

Sept. 17: Talk on Slavery in Mamaroneck

Slavery in Mamaroneck will be the topic of a presentation during the Historical Society September Members Monthly Get-together at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 17, at the Woman's Club of Mamaroneck, 504 Cortlandt Avenue.

Ned Benton will share the history and plans for a Memorial at the Town Center.

If you are not a member and would like to attend, just RSVP for a guest pass and he will have one waiting at the door.

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Bicentennial Celebration of Lafayette's 1824-25 Triumphant return to America
1:00 PM13:00

Bicentennial Celebration of Lafayette's 1824-25 Triumphant return to America

  • 1816 Schoolhouse, Harbor Island Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834) distinguished himself in military exploits with the colonists against the British in the American Revolution and helped persuade France to send more troops and supplies. In 1824-25, he returned to America and was hailed across the country in a visit that included travel through Mamaroneck.

Mamaroneck Village will celebrate the 200th anniversary of Lafayette’s return with an event at the 1816 Schoolhouse in Harbor Island Park on West Boston Post Road.

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Talk on Marquis de Lafayette's travels to Westchester, Mamaroneck
4:00 PM16:00

Talk on Marquis de Lafayette's travels to Westchester, Mamaroneck

The Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834) distinguished himself in military exploits with the colonists against the British in the American Revolution and helped persuade France to send more troops and supplies. In 1824, he returned to America in a visit that included travel through Mamaroneck.

Find out more about Lafayette, his return to America, and Mamaroneck Village’s plans for an event later in August to celebrate the bicentennial of his visit. John Pritts of the Mamaroneck Historical Society will discuss these at the Mamaroneck Public Library. See details below, including how to register for the Aug. 8 free talk.

Flyer about Aug. 8, 2024, talk on the Marquis de Lafaette and Mamaroneck

Flyer about Aug. 8, 2024, talk on the Marquis de Lafaette and Mamaroneck

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Remembering, honoring Gloria Poccia Pritts
10:30 AM10:30

Remembering, honoring Gloria Poccia Pritts

  • 1816 Schoolhouse Harbor Island Park, (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us at the 1816 Schoolhouse at Harbor Island Park to honor and remember Gloria Poccia Pritts, the past Historian for both the Village and Town of Mamaroneck for 29 years and a past President of the Mamaroneck Historical Society. We will be at the schoolhouse on Saturday, July 6, at 10:30 a.m.

Gloria passed away during the COVID pandemic so we were not able to gather at that time and wish to make up for it on Saturday.

The Village Recreation Department has made parking available behind the Water Treatment Plant. When coming into the Harbor just tell the parking attendant you are there to honor Gloria. All are welcome.

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Florence/Powell Burial Ground restoration update
7:00 PM19:00

Florence/Powell Burial Ground restoration update

James Maver will discuss the restoration of the burial ground located behind Mamaroneck High School.

His presentation will be featured during the Historical Society Members Monthly Get-together at 7 p.m. at the Woman's Club of Mamaroneck, 504 Cortlandt Avenue.

If you are not a member and would like to attend, just RSVP for a guest pass and he will have one waiting at the door.

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Benefit for the Memorial to the Enslaved Africans of Larchmont Mamaroneck
3:00 PM15:00

Benefit for the Memorial to the Enslaved Africans of Larchmont Mamaroneck

In collaboration with the Mamaroneck Town Board and a team of artists, REALM is erecting a memorial to the enslaved people. It will be in front of the Mamaroneck Town Center.

The June 15 benefit for the memorial will honor Billy, Jinny and their children, who lived and worked at the Premium Mill under enslavement and emancipation. The event will be held at 4 Pryer Manor Road in Larchmont, current home of Marjorie and Ted Mayer and originally built in 1775 for James Mott. Suggested donation is $75 per person.

Click to RSVP yes/no ASAP to

Click here to donate.

Information on Benefit for Memorial to Enslaved Africans of Larchmont Mamaroneck

Information on Benefit for Memorial to Enslaved Africans of Larchmont Mamaroneck

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Florence/Powell Burial Ground Rededication
2:00 PM14:00

Florence/Powell Burial Ground Rededication

We at the Mamaroneck Historical Society have begun the restoration of the historic Florence/Powell Burial Ground located behind Mamaroneck High School. This long neglected cemetery has already been the site of much work over the past year.

All are invited to a rededication of the burial ground.

The final stage of restoration will consist of the restoration of the headstones in the cemetery. Many of the headstones, which date from 1808-1883, are in very poor condition. Some have been toppled or broken over the years...and all are in need of professional restoration.

If you would like to contribute toward the $500 still needed to pay for this restoration, learn more about the campaign and how to donate.

Florence/Powell Burial Ground Rededication details

Florence/Powell Burial Ground Rededication details

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What was a School Day like in 1816?
2:00 PM14:00

What was a School Day like in 1816?

The Mamaroneck Historical Society invites you to join us at the 1816 Schoolhouse to find out!

Dr. Darla Shaw will take us back in history to experience a day at school. 

What will we learn? What did children play at recess? 

Children and adults welcome!

Date: Sunday, May 26th

Time: 2 - 3 p.m.


1816 Schoolhouse - Boston Post Road at Harbor Island

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Mass at Most Holy Trinity Church
11:00 AM11:00

Mass at Most Holy Trinity Church

A rare opportunity to attend Mass in Most Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church will take place Sunday, May 26, at 11 a.m.

The c. 1895 church, on East Boston Post Road opposite the Mamaroneck Diner, is opened for only two masses a year.

Those who attend are invited to a BBQ afterward.

Most Holy Trinity Mass information

Most Holy Trinity Mass information

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2024 Historical Society calendar on sale
to Feb 10

2024 Historical Society calendar on sale

  • Google Calendar ICS

Mamaroneck Historical Society’s 2024 calendar is on sale now

Get your copy of the 2024 Mamaroneck Historical Society Calendar while supplies last. It features photos of memorable locations and dates in our history. Perfect for holiday gifts.

Cost: $18.

Available for sale at:

  • Mamaroneck Public Library

  • ASAP

  • Foley Hardware

  • Village Paint (Larchmont).

Or contact Mike at

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Replay presentation: Richard M. Kemper Memorial, Park history, beautification
7:00 PM19:00

Replay presentation: Richard M. Kemper Memorial, Park history, beautification

The memorial on the grounds of Mamaroneck High School remembers Mamaroneck Town residents killed in World War II. Its history, educational role, and beautification efforts were recounted at the Mamaroneck Historical Society's November 21, 2023, Monthly Members Get-together. Watch a video of the presentation.

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7:00 PM19:00

Watch a replay: Presentation on the Battle of Heathcote Hill

The Oct. 17 members get-together featured a presentation on the Battle of Heathcote Hill. Watch a replay

The Battle of Heathcote Hill: A Story About Mamaroneck During the Revolution was the featured presentation at the Mamaroneck Historical Society's October 2023 monthly members get-together.

Watch a replay.

The American Revolution was also a civil war, families divided as to what was the “right” course of action. At Heathcote Hill, Mamaroneck residents acted on both sides of the struggle.

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Sept. 19: The Plot to Steal Mamaroneck
7:00 PM19:00

Sept. 19: The Plot to Steal Mamaroneck

There was a secret conspiracy to steal the three necks of Mamaroneck from original purchaser John Richbell.

This story from the beginning of Mamaroneck will be the feature presentation at the Historical Society's September Members Monthly Get-together.

The event is scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 19, at the Woman’s Club of Mamaroneck, 504 Cortlandt Avenue.

Not a member? RSVP for a guest pass from

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Myths and Mystakes About Early Mamaroneck
7:00 PM19:00

Myths and Mystakes About Early Mamaroneck

The Historical Society June Members Get-together will feature a PowerPoint presentation from society President Peter M. Fellows based upon the research he is engaged in for a future book, Merchant Trader, about the beginnings of Mamaroneck.

The get-together will take place at the Woman's Club of Mamaroneck, 504 Cortlandt Avenue.

Not a member? RSVP for a guest pass from

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Follow the French:  Rochambeau Festival
10:00 AM10:00

Follow the French: Rochambeau Festival

Location: Rochambeau Park, AKA Yorktown Grange Fair Grounds, 99 Moseman Road, Yorktown

In a free, immersive family-friendly experience on Saturday, May 20, visitors will learn about one of three Revolutionary War encampment sites that helped shape our nation’s history right here in Westchester County.

Meet a Rochambeau scholar, French dignitaries, living history teachers, French, Continental and British forces in uniform performing drills and firing muskets, participate in an encampment setup (adults and kids) with model muskets, greet exhibitors in period dress, wander the spacious grounds, enjoy the food and beverage and greet animals from the day.

Learn how Westchester's Yorktown played a crucial role with French General Rochambeau and the French Army aiding General Washington and the Continental Army in the fight for freedom from British rule!

It will be a unique opportunity to bring the Revolutionary War to life and inspire a new generation of history buffs.

The event was announced by the Yorktown Heritage Preservation Commission /Yorktown 250, in partnership with the Odell House Rochambeau Headquarters in Hartsdale, North Castle Historical Society and the New York State Washington Rochambeau Revolutionary Route Organization.

The three Westchester Revolutionary War encampment sites are Rochambeau Park in Yorktown, Smith’s Tavern in Armonk and Odell House Rochambeau Headquarters in Hartsdale. Download the free audio tour, soon to be released at TravelStorys.

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Presentation:  A Visual Tour of Old Mamaroneck
7:00 PM19:00

Presentation: A Visual Tour of Old Mamaroneck

The monthly members get-together on Tuesday, May 16, will feature Michael N Tripicco’s presentation from his celebrated book, Pictures in Postcards: A Visual Tour of Old Mamaroneck.

The meeting is at 7 p.m. at the Woman's Club, 504 Cortlandt Avenue. Not a member? RSVP for a guest pass from

Michael is the Historical Society archivist. He was also the driving force behind the restoration of The De Lancey Family Burying Ground. Michael’s book will be available for purchase at this Members Get-together.

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Mamaroneck vintage memorabilia on display in library
to May 31

Mamaroneck vintage memorabilia on display in library

  • Mamaroneck Public Library (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mamaroneck memorabilia from the Mamaroneck Historical Society's archives are on display during May at the Mamaroneck Public Library.

The display includes models of notable buildings, and items connected to a State Firemen's Convention held in Mamaroneck, and the World's Fair. Check it out in the library's glass display case.

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