See old maps of Rye Neck

See when your street appeared.
How to view maps: Tap on one of the maps. A larger version will appear in a box below.
1911 link will open on a separate web page - Westchester County Archives.
1929 link will open to a list of local maps on a county archives web page.
Most maps are aligned so north is up.
The 1772 map, which includes part of Rye, is overlaid approximately on a current map, with key features labeled for legibility.
Best browsers: On desktop, the maps work best on Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge web browsers. Internet Explorer doesn't provide detailed close-up zooms.
See more details on the maps.

See other historic maps, aerial photos:

Zoom and rotate the enlarged map this way:
On computer: Tap the buttons to zoom or rotate the image and to reset it to its original size and orientation.
Hold mouse down and drag to move the map around.

On a laptop with a track pad: Tap the buttons to zoom or rotate the image and to reset it to its original size and orientation.
Tap a finger twice on the larger map then hold down to move it around.

On a cell phone: Tap the buttons to zoom or rotate the image and to reset it to its original size and orientation.
Or spread your fingers across the larger map to zoom in and bring them together to zoom out.

1911 (part)
1911 (Shore Acres)
1772 (labeled)
1772 (original)
Rye Neck 1881
Rye Neck 1868
Rye Neck 1772
Rye Neck 1772